Open Courseware


India's national MOOC platform is called SWAYAM. More than 2,150 courses from more than 135 Indian colleges are available, offered by around 1,300 lecturers.


Coursera offers online degrees, certificates, and courses in a range of areas in collaboration with colleges and other organizations.


NPTEL is an educational project that uses e-learning to improve quality education at seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee) and IISc Bangalore.

MIT OpenCourseWare

Almost all MIT course materials are published online as part of MIT OpenCourseWare. OCW is a continuous MIT endeavor that is accessible to all people worldwide.


As of March 2020, the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform had over 250 partners from the UK and abroad, including government and industrial entities.

Open edX

An online platform for developing, delivering, and assessing online courses is called Open edX.

Harvard Online Learning

Harvard Online Learning offers resources like podcasts, lectures, and interactive educational programs for educators, students, and lifelong learners alike.


OERu provides several complete courses from partner universities across the globe in subjects including business, economics, history, and digital literacy.


The Open University offers a free learning platform called OpenLearn as part of its Royal Charter obligation to promote community well-being.