Open Textbooks
Pressbooks Directory
An index of 2,965 books published over 109 Pressbooks networks may be found in this directory.
Open Textbook Library
Hundreds of fully functional, publicly available college textbooks gathered by the University of Minnesota.
A developing library of professionally written, openly licensed, modifiable, peer-reviewed introductory textbooks.
Open SUNY Textbooks
An open access textbook publishing program started by the libraries at State University of New York.
BCcampus OpenEd
Look through the several digital formats available for high-quality open textbooks. Download them to your PC by conducting a subject search.
Lyryx provides excellent open textbooks in the subjects of economics, mathematics, and accounting.
A 501 nonprofit online educational resource project is called LibreTexts. The website for the project is created on the Mindtouch platform and offers public access to its material.